Delicate Arch

Delicate Arch is the one that everyone knows.  It's the arch on the license plate.  It's the arch on the commercials.  Going up, we joked about how cliche it is to say that Delicate Arch is your favorite.

Then, we met it.

The hike up there is tough.  We started late--about 9:30---which by summer in Utah standards is too late to begin a hike across rock.  We were prepared.  We had hats, 3 L of water each, good shoes, sunglasses, and we were in shape. It's a good amount of uphill, with a small amount of shade.

I'll make a diversion here to note how many people head out on these hikes with one small bottle of water for the family to share.  The sign clearly states "HEAT IS DEADLY.  BRING 2L PER PERSON" and there is even a sign showing two large Nalgene bottles.  Apparently, some people are superheroes or something.

So anyway, the trail is tough, but the payoff is great.  The last few hundred yards have you walking a path that is wall on the left and drop off on the right.  It's a very dramatic entrance to one of the most majestic sights I have ever seen.  This was the one we waited for.  This was the reason I started to obsess about a trip to Utah many years ago. I almost cried.  And I totally fell in love with it.  It truly is as great as it appears, and I am so glad we waited to do it last, because everything else would have felt less amazing.

This looks more dangerous than it was.  No one was near a cliff.
If you ever go to Arches and only have time to do one thing, this is it. Sure, it's what everyone else does, and it sure is cliche, but it was worth every step there and back.


  1. Impressive!!
    Shade must be the best part of the arch.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We're LOVING your pictures!!! Looks like you brought your heavy camera along?! Don't let your fear of canyons hold you back, Cara. This is a trip of a lifetime and you want to take it all in....just stay away from the edges and you'll be fine!

    1. All of these are with my phone! I did bring my SLR, but i did not bring a computer. I will have a lot of work to do when we get home!


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